The body generates adrenaline and other hormones that can keep you focused in “fight or flight” mode during stress situations so you may indeed not notice at all severe wounds. In fact, quite often, severe wounds are less painful (that is, at the moment they’re received) than minor ones precisely because the body generates its own painkillers to prevent the pain from being debilitating. Once the stress subsides, that’s when the pain gets to express itself in full strength to make you regret getting into the stress situation in the first place; but first you have to be able to get out of it…
Ain’t it grand how our bodies are a pile of mechanisms that check-and-balance each others?
The body generates adrenaline and other hormones that can keep you focused in “fight or flight” mode during stress situations so you may indeed not notice at all severe wounds. In fact, quite often, severe wounds are less painful (that is, at the moment they’re received) than minor ones precisely because the body generates its own painkillers to prevent the pain from being debilitating. Once the stress subsides, that’s when the pain gets to express itself in full strength to make you regret getting into the stress situation in the first place; but first you have to be able to get out of it…
Ain’t it grand how our bodies are a pile of mechanisms that check-and-balance each others?
While you are down there you can also press the gas pedal Roji!
Hahaha yeah!
Honestly, based on many things I’ve read, a LOT of people don’t notice they’ve been shot until well after the danger’s over.
“Licking the wound and saying “hmmmm tasty” is not helping!”
For a second I forgot about Roji’s healing power and was wondering how those little paws would tie a tourniquet.
Plot twist: an actual Roger is summoned by these words.
Final Panel: Maximum Kubrick Stare