Extra! 463 by Christy on June 23, 2022Chapter: To The RescueCharacters: EXV "Xavier", RojiTechnically speaking.
He has this punch coming for a while.
Klingon Promotion! If that guy really wanted to keep his rank, he’d have fought better.
They’re all a bunch of p’takhs up in there.
Fist! Of! Justice!
I just noticed the cat pictures on the whiteboard lol, are those suspects of interest?
Oh yes, very highly wanted suspects.
The image on this page seems to have gone missing?
Thank you for letting me know! Something weird happened! D:
It should be fixed now.
Make enough guesses in the comments on the previous page and you eventually get one right. Well two. Hierarchy confirmed.
Yeah I have clearance, it’s called MY FISTS
Fist punch – also known as “technical speak”