I just realized I was on the last page so far- I haven’t read Extra in a while lol. Might as well go back to reading the sketch version again. I might be buying book 2 soon, hopefully. I probably cant look at the sketch version here though because I’m on my school laptop
I’m temporarily pausing coloring pages while I work on wrapping up the sketch draft, it’s really fun working on the finale! I should have book 2 and 3 in stock soon, but if you do read the sketch version, I hope you enjoy it! Stuff is getting pretty crazy.
Thanks for checking out my comic! 😀
What is your CocoPPaPlay account? That’s how I discovered this comic, but I forget your account.
It’s StickFreeks, I’m glad you discovered it!
Okay, thanks!
I love the interaction this scene omllll
Poor Alexis looks panicked to be confronting the holes in what she says her beliefs are.
so cool
Hi! I just started reading this and i’m loving it so far! Keep up the good work!
Hi! Thank you so much for reading so far! I plan on updating soon- I’m working very hard on the pencil pages right now. 😀
I just realized I was on the last page so far- I haven’t read Extra in a while lol. Might as well go back to reading the sketch version again. I might be buying book 2 soon, hopefully. I probably cant look at the sketch version here though because I’m on my school laptop
Thanks for coming back and reading!!! 😀
I’m temporarily pausing coloring pages while I work on wrapping up the sketch draft, it’s really fun working on the finale! I should have book 2 and 3 in stock soon, but if you do read the sketch version, I hope you enjoy it! Stuff is getting pretty crazy.
Thank you!!1
Hi, i came here from Exvulnerum and Moxie, i really love how this is going so far. Do you know when the next page is coming? :>
Hiii! I should actually be back up this next week! 😀
I’m glad you like it so far!
i need more comics to read like yours
Thank you so much for reading it! I’m so happy that you’re enjoying it so far! 😀
i dint like it i loved it!
You can have a basic care for people despite the fact you don’t know them. It’s known as humanity.
Hiding because you always end up caring too much.