Extra! 145 by Christy on April 22, 2018Chapter: Book 1 & 2!, TheoCharacters: EXV "Xavier", LXS "Alexis", Roji, TheoIT’S PARTY TIIIIME!
Digi Ninja? How dare you, Theo! Showing such a lack of respect for grammar…
One day I hope to have a title as cool as DJ Digininja.
The backgrounds look great!!
Thank you! They were really fun! XD
Zules is a pretty awesome title though, so I think you’ve already achieved that level of cool.
*clears throat*
“What could possibly go wrong?”
Ahhh, the lighting effects look so pretty on this page!! I’ve been looking forward to seeing this scene in all its glory ever since the paper version, and you did not disappoint! Looks, so gorgeous and colourful. Lovely work.
Thank you so much! I couldn’t wait to get to these pages either. XD
I’m really happy you like them!
Da system is down.
It’s very ravey looking